Thursday, July 2, 2009


Work sucks right? Well up until last August I loved my job. The last week I enjoyed my job I was in Vegas. Why do I now hate my job you ask? (yes I'm aware you didn't) my old boss retired. I worked for Kiki's dad for over 10 years, I loved working with him, in many respects he's my best friend, he's the guy I go to for advice and when I need to talk to someone.

For the last 11 months I've worked for the company, we haven't had anyone in our office that is in charge of anything nor have we had any real supervision, normally that would be great, but all it's done is remind me how political this company is and how my never sucking up has screwed me. I spent years training to take this place over, I took courses, went on company training, did the business plans etc.... but once Dan left the company decided they were going to look elsewhere, that I wasn't what they were looking for. Suffice it to say this did not exactly thrill me, but at the same time it's a sinking business and there isn't as much money in it as there once was so I hadn't been sure I wanted to drop the $400,000 anyways. Now we are getting a new boss, they have hired a lady who starts on July 15th, this basically spells the beginning of the end for me, there is no way in hell that she will be able to afford to pay me what I am worth or even what I make now. Basically within the next 2 years (you are an agent in training for 2 years, I still work for the company for those 2 years) I'll be out of a job. I'm not worried about finding work, I'm very marketable and hold licenses that make it super easy for me to find work, but I'm left empty I put my heart and soul into this place for years and years and in the end it will be for nothing.

Maybe I just need to go back to Vegas.

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